We have declared zero tolerance against counterfeit filters and retailers that sell the illegal product. We received a tip off about counterfeit G.U.D. filters being sold in Botswana and after several months of undercover investigation raided spares shops around Gabarone last month.
Botswana ClD officials together with G.U.D. Filters representatives conducted the raids simultaneously to seize the counterfeit filters and place the perpetrators into immediate custody. “We are very pleased with the success of the counterfeit raid and appreciate the support of the authorities in Botswana. When we discovered the G.U.D. counterfeits in the country, the CID detectives swiftly actioned the raid at the spares shops upon our instructions. We have sent a very clear message that the unauthorized use of our trademarks will not be tolerated.” says Red Shuttleworth , CEO, G.U.D. Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
“G.U.D. Filters is a trusted automotive filter brand in Africa and it is imperative that we remain vigilant about counterfeit G.U.D. filters entering the market to protect our customers.” he added. We also hosted a training event to educate Botswana authorities and detectives on how to identify illegal and counterfeit G.U.D. filters at local spares shops. Detectives from twenty five branches across Botswana attended the training and will be cracking down on any retailers purchasing and selling counterfeit G.U.D. filters in the country.
Spares shops and workshops can purchase genuine G.U.D. filters directly from reputable aftermarket automotive parts distributors and are urged to report any suspicious filters.